Hmmmmmm well lets start with the letter "A." This letter has a flat apex, and has medium weight in the cross bar. The lower case "a" is two stories.
There is nothing too special about the "d" except the ears are in even weight with the rest of the letters.
Now the "G" is something to talk about considering that it has a unique spur, and barb. Also the "G" has vertical spur.The lower case "g" is also something special because if you look carefully the bottom portion of the "g" does not go all the way to the base line. Also this "g" is considered to be a one story "g" with an ear.
There is really nothing too interesting about the "'M" except that the apex touches the base line.
The "Q" has a diagonal stress and a short tail. Another letter with a short tail is the "R".
The "x" is unique because within "x" there are arrows on the top and the bottom, and i must say after some one showed this AMAZING aspect of the letter to me it opened my eyes. I haven't looked at the letter the same ever since.
The leg of the "t" curves upward, and the cross bar on the "4" does not have a serif on it. Other than that the weight within the letters is medium. One other unique thing about the font type Serifa is that the "&" symbol has serifs and a short leg, which you don't see on many of the other fonts.
A couple last few thoughts about Serifa other than i like the name, is the it is an Unbracketed Serif with a continuous construction. This font has no transitions, and no contrast. All the letters use a horizontal Cross bar and shortlegs.