Monday, March 8, 2010

Timeline Progress

Project Two: Time Line
Establishing order: Graphic design often relies on typo
graphy to commuicate order, information, and sytems. The goal of this project is to make things easy to read, navigate and understand. As you learned in typography one, the foundation for creating an clear informational structure is a a strong typographic hiearchy. Type size, wieght, and color are the the first steps. Graphic elements (lines, arrows, grids) and page structure are often used to aid in establishing a clear hierarchy.


_ timeline must have a range of dates
_ intro text
_ each point in time must have a date
_ and each point of time must have at least one sentance
_ images, icons, graphic elements are optional

Use the content from the website, you may use any additional resources for more information, images, etc. You may work in groups on collecting content.

How can you visualize the content? How can the audience get a quick understading about the topic? How are the pulled into the content to find out more?

Format: poster or accordian folded book
You determine the final size, poster min. size is 13 x 19 tall or wide
Color: Unlimited color palette
Typography: 2 typefaces, 3 type styles, and no more than 4 sizes of type.
Grid: proportional or ratio modular grid

Overview: Overall this project was a struggle for me to get a concept. I thought that i started off strong, but i was headed in the wrong direction. When i thought i had an idea i pulled a better one out of my butt. It was funny for me because i was trying to get my concept across through image, but im in typography class, and the best solution is TYPE. This project was very fast past, so that was also something that i had to adjust to

Sketches of bathing suits:

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 4:
Round 5:

1 comment:

  1. you should probably design a fashion line after college... i'd totally buy all your clothes :)
