_ History of the Bathing Suit
_ History of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions
_ History of Photography
_ Prehistoric Timeline
_ 100 years of Flight
_ timeline must have a range of dates
_ intro text
_ each point in time must have a date
_ and each point of time must have at least one sentance
_ images, icons, graphic elements are optional
Use the content from the website, you may use any additional resources for more information, images, etc. You may work in groups on collecting content.
How can you visualize the content? How can the audience get a quick understading about the topic? How are the pulled into the content to find out more?
Format: poster or accordian folded book
Size: You determine the final size, poster min. size is 13 x 19 tall or wide
Color: Unlimited color palette
Typography: 2 typefaces, 3 type styles, and no more than 4 sizes of type.
Grid: proportional or ratio modular grid

you should probably design a fashion line after college... i'd totally buy all your clothes :)