Monday, February 22, 2010

Final Book Series over the Holocaust

To Suggest:
To suggest hard times that were hated by everyone
To suggest the people who survived
To suggest the organization of the camps
To suggest pain
To suggest time of darkness
To suggest wanting to go back to the way things used to be
To suggest separation from loved ones
To suggest stories that are too horrible to comprehend
To suggest something hopeful
To suggest being bold and strong and fighting

Concept statement:
The chimney smokes, the sky is low, smoke sweeps across the camp weighing upon us overwhelming us with the odor of burning flesh. All i can do is hope. Hope for the next day, hope for the next meal, hope that i don't get caught keeping a secret Journal. My main hope is to survive and someday show my proof and tell the story.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb 18th 2010, the project is due!

This project consisted of rebranding an existing brand, identity, and identity system. In this case it was a company called Biodiesel Initiative. Ilya came and talked to our class and told us about the process and the goals of the company. We then had to take the information that he gave us to reinvent his brand identity. This is the first time that i have done a brand identity project, and i must say that i really enjoyed it. I like that i have a final product that i can touch and pick up. I am really happy with my results.
With my identity mark, you can see that there are four bars; one yellow, one brown, red, and blue. These colors stand for the process of the company. This being they start with recycled vegetable oil, they mix it with various substances such as methanol, then they go through a process of heating, and finally washing several times.
Feb 18Th 2010, the project is due.
My classmates and i worked really hard, and it was really nice just to walk around and look at the progress we had all made from day one. But the madness is not over. Now we must create a process book!

Biodiesel Initiative Website

Final logo for Biodiesel Initiave

Biodiesel Initiave Accessories

Final presentation board for Biodiesel Initiative

Biodiesel Initiative Business cards

Biodiesel Initiative discount card

Biodiesel Initiative Note pads/Thank you cards

Biodiesel Initiative Branding Project letter heads

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bruce Mau

Who is Bruce Mau?
He is a visionary and world leading innovator proving that the power of design is endless. He is also a well know graphic designer. He has worked on many projects, you name it and he has prob done it.

Why is he interesting to us?
He has been recognized internationally on his book life style. He has worked on many different typed of books re defining design.

What has he done?
  • Founded a studio in 1985
  • 2003 founded studio called without boundaries,
  • worked in Guatemala.

What mantra have i chosen?

Don't clean your desk, and i have chosen this because i am a neat freak, and sometimes when you are so focused on things you tend to lost focus of whats right in front of you. Things just look different or you may realize something when you've had time to rest or looked at it on a different day in different light.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

20 rules

This reading was interesting. There were rules that i knew about; and rules that i knew about and tried to avoid, and there were rules that i really hadn't thought about. The three rules that i think are most important are to treat type as image, because it is just as important, make it look the way that it is supposed to, and look to history don't repeat it.

For me these three rules also seem to be the ones that i need to practice on more. I have a hard time making type and image work. For some reason i have the hardest time picking a type face. It ends up being the last thing i get to. I try to pick some strange cool font, but i always end up picking a generic font such as baskerville or univers. The other rule that i struggle with is make it look like it is supposed to. A lot of times i have a hard time doing something in a program and get frustrated so i end up simplifying what I'm trying to do and it sometimes is not the outcome that i want. So i think that i need to push through more and get the result that i wanted from the beginning. Lastly, look to history don't repeat it. I don't need to pay attention to the repeating part, its the look to the history part that i need to focus on more. I tend to be overwhelmed, so i don't do as such research as i should because i have a lot of things going on at once and i feel that its secondary and i should get to the designing part, but researching and history is just as important and it might give me better ideas in the end.

I don't think that there are any rules that i would ignore. They are all very important and i think that if you have a concept that is working than your probably following most of these rules

Friday, February 5, 2010

This and that and a little bit of that with this


  • Semiotics: theiry of sign
  • sigh means things other than themselves
  • sighns are dependant on their meaning of context
  • sign are formed through society that created them
  • two sources of signing are natural and conventional
  • signs are composed of two elements; the signifer and the signified
  • telling the different between real and fake photgraphs

Signifier: a black eye Signified: a punch

smoke a fire

ticking a clock

how is a message transmitted

  1. presentations- face body
  2. representational- painting, photos
  3. mechanical- telephones, internet
  • what you might say might not actually be what you mean
  • non literal meaning: simile, metaphor, irony, lies, depiction
  • Things that interest us matter

Chip Kid series: what makes a good book cover

  • type treatment
  • intersting books
  • avoid literal

Who is John Gall?

He is aVice President and Art Director for Vintage and Anchor Books an imprint of Alfred A Knopf, which is a publishing group within Random House Inc. a company that is then owned by Bertlesmann Corporation. They publish about 200 books per year.
Though Galls works tend to be simple they say alot. He is very succesful in playing with typography. I know this is something that is always complex to acheive and john gall does it well. He makes simplicity work. I am someone who beleives in siplicity. Something little can say alot and it leaves the reader guessing. You dont need to put all your information out on the table.

Who is Chip Kidd

is he a designer, editor, or a writer. Well by golly hes all these things. Right now he is most important to us because of book covers. One thing that Chip needs more than anything to design a fabulous book cover, is for there to be an interesting topic. This is how he keeps himself going. For someone who has designed more than 1000 book covers, i would want something interesting to design for too. Chip Kid is someone who knows what he wants and is looking for when designing his book cover. He is a great resource to all of us.