Saturday, February 13, 2010

20 rules

This reading was interesting. There were rules that i knew about; and rules that i knew about and tried to avoid, and there were rules that i really hadn't thought about. The three rules that i think are most important are to treat type as image, because it is just as important, make it look the way that it is supposed to, and look to history don't repeat it.

For me these three rules also seem to be the ones that i need to practice on more. I have a hard time making type and image work. For some reason i have the hardest time picking a type face. It ends up being the last thing i get to. I try to pick some strange cool font, but i always end up picking a generic font such as baskerville or univers. The other rule that i struggle with is make it look like it is supposed to. A lot of times i have a hard time doing something in a program and get frustrated so i end up simplifying what I'm trying to do and it sometimes is not the outcome that i want. So i think that i need to push through more and get the result that i wanted from the beginning. Lastly, look to history don't repeat it. I don't need to pay attention to the repeating part, its the look to the history part that i need to focus on more. I tend to be overwhelmed, so i don't do as such research as i should because i have a lot of things going on at once and i feel that its secondary and i should get to the designing part, but researching and history is just as important and it might give me better ideas in the end.

I don't think that there are any rules that i would ignore. They are all very important and i think that if you have a concept that is working than your probably following most of these rules

1 comment:

  1. Reading the ones on what you need to practice made me smile. All your book covers look like you've practiced those and achieved great design. So, good job there! What a cop out on the ignoring lol. I think some of them could be ignore. How else could you break new ground?
